
Map For "Der Elbische Patient" by Pia Backmann

This is a map I created for Pia Backmann's novel "Der elbische Patient". The names and the coastline and the places for the symbols were decided by her. The font is the standard LaTeX font. We interacted a lot during the development.

I license the symbols CC-0. You are free to use them in your map. If you want to mention me, I will be happy about it. If you don't that is still fine.

The symbols seem to be a little blurry but if they are small enough it is fine on a map.

Map for Myrie Pliers (Myrie Zange)

The map for my own science fiction/fantasy novel trying to adapt OpenStreetmaps style a little. If you are interested in a map with a similar style you may write me an email. I probably will not have the time to create a whole map for you (maybe you are lucky), but I might help you with a start.